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Update 1: added infinite gems/crystals or whatever they are called


There would have been more. I wrote offsets for xp and health on another piece of paper but I lost it. XP was such a pain in the ass to do and I was so relieved that I got the offset after 45 minutes of adding and subtracting. And it took me more than three times to do it, so I had to keep resetting my game. But all that hard work went to shit because I lost the paper. I'm so angry right now you guys have no idea.


Tweak.xm: http://iosgods.com/topic/6241-code-injectattack-the-light/



-infinite star points

-infinite gems/crystals (those things at the bottom left corner of your screen that you use to buy things)


How to install:

1. download my deb:

Hidden Content

2. install with iFile

3. respring



shmoo (me)

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