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:update: Prosperity Version 1.3.3 iOS 7 +


This theme has taken me over a year to develop, with many amazing contributions from some of the most respected developers in our community. 
I was looking to start something that could portray my love for dark themes, & at the same time bring something to the table that hasn't been done before. 
After much anticipation we are finally able to share our work.
 -200+ icons (& alts) in Prosperity 
-200+ icons (& alts) in Terminus 
-18 AEs 
-6 Docks
-2 Status bars 
-Themed dialer 
-Settings Icon theme
-9 Badges
-Themed page dots
-Themed control center
-Themed cydia UI 
-Custom UI sounds
-Alt UI sounds by @dexterilgatto
-3 Separate Anemone UI themes 
-Custom SMS message UI
-more to come!
Prosperity vs. Terminus:
Prosperity icons are lined with a border, which was done to give each icon a centered & detailed feel. 
Terminus was then developed to accomade those of us that enjoy a different shaped overlay every once in awhile & don't want the icon's design to interfere with that. Several "frame-AEs" were also included in case you would like each icon's border to match. 
I would like to thank Boots (@chvylvr6972), Chintya Lia R.K. (@Liaaliooo), @sn0wd3n, PoisOnDF (@yofatpapa), krisjay (@KrisJayDesigns), dabagg (@dexterilgatto), & Wiuff (@Wysniff) for their guidance, contributions & support in helping me make this theme truly special. 
Prosperity was made to be compatible with all devices & all iOS versions >iOS 7, however I only have my ip7 so if there is anything that doesn't work please let me know & I will do my best to fix it.
It requires Anemone to work fully (or Winterboard + IconBundles: not tested/AEs won't work).






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