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checkra1n 0.9.8 beta For Mac - All Releases

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checkra1n 0.12.4 beta

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This release is a beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device

What’s new

Bug fixes

  • Hotfix for A9X devices, which could not boot on 14.5 at all with 0.12.3
  • Fix package dependency issues on the deb repo


  • A11 devices on iOS 14.0 and above require removing the passcode and enabling “Skip A11 BPR check” in the options. This is not recommended, but it’s there.

Known issues

  • A7 devices will currently not work with the Linux version
  • The exploit may not work as reliably on some devices, such as the Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3
  • Linux GUI build when using CLI mode doesn’t support auto assertion of DFU mode on advanced Apple TV 4K breakout boards
  • bridgeOS:
    • If you disconnect the cable, then as soon as macOS boots it’ll take over the USB connection and disallow communication with the T2
  • Some users have reported checkra1n crashing when Chinese is set as the only system language. It is unknown whether any other language is affected.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS and Linux. Work is ongoing to support Windows, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers, including Zebra and Installer is coming soon and is expected within the coming weeks.


All Downloads

checkra1n 0.12.3 beta

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This release is a beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device

What’s new

Highlighted changes

  • Support for iOS 14.5
  • Preliminary support for M1 Macs - read the announcement
  • New --force-revert command line option to force rootFS reverting without access to the loader app
  • The included binpack has been updated and thinned

Bug fixes

  • Fixes an issue that caused the loader app to crash on tvOS 12
  • Fixes checkra1n crashing on macOS if using a recent MobileDevice framework
  • Fixes an issue that could cause the “terminal UI” to crash on Linux
  • Fixes an issue where the “terminal UI” could leave the terminal in an unusable state on exit
  • The “devhelper” process on Linux is now properly cleaned up on exit


  • A11 devices on iOS 14.0 and above require removing the passcode and enabling “Skip A11 BPR check” in the options. This is not recommended, but it’s there.

Known issues

  • A7 devices will currently not work with the Linux version
  • The exploit may not work as reliably on some devices, such as the Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3
  • Linux GUI build when using CLI mode doesn’t support auto assertion of DFU mode on advanced Apple TV 4K breakout boards
  • bridgeOS:
    • If you disconnect the cable, then as soon as macOS boots it’ll take over the USB connection and disallow communication with the T2
  • Some users have reported checkra1n crashing when Chinese is set as the only system language. It is unknown whether any other language is affected.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS and Linux. Work is ongoing to support Windows, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers, including Zebra and Installer is coming soon and is expected within the coming weeks.

checkra1n 0.12.2 beta

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This release is a beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device

What’s new

Highlighted changes

  • Enables USB on AppleTV 4K during normal system operation

Bug fixes

  • Fixes A10 and A10X devices crashing when trying to jailbreak on iOS 14.3 or higher
  • Fixes an issue where some LaunchDaemons were loaded on platforms where they should not have been


  • A11 devices on iOS 14.0 and above require removing the passcode and enabling “Skip A11 BPR check” in the options. This is not recommended, but it’s there.

Known issues

  • checkra1n does not currently work on Apple Silicon Macs
  • A7 devices will currently not work with the Linux version
  • The exploit may not work as reliably on some devices, such as the Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3
  • Linux GUI build when using CLI mode doesn’t support auto assertion of DFU mode on advanced Apple TV 4K breakout boards
  • bridgeOS:
    • If you disconnect the cable, then as soon as macOS boots it’ll take over the USB connection and disallow communication with the T2
  • Some users have reported checkra1n crashing when Chinese is set as the only system language. It is unknown whether any other language is affected.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS and Linux. Work is ongoing to support Windows, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers, including Zebra and Installer is coming soon and is expected within the coming weeks.

checkra1n 0.12.1 beta

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This release is a beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device

What’s new

Highlighted changes

  • Adds an on-device alert to indicate checkra1n’s Safe Mode is active
  • Adds support for iBridge SSH from the same host
  • Partial support for the original HomePod (CLI only, tested to work with audioOS 13 and 14)

Bug fixes

  • Fixes an issue that would often cause Safe Mode to be entered on iOS 14.2 regardless of whether the user requested it or not
  • Safe Mode no longer loads 3rd-party LaunchDaemons
  • NVRAM is now unlocked on iOS 14.2 as well
  • Fixes an issue where jailbreaking an AppleTV fail on fresh tvOS installations
  • The bundled dd binary now has the entitlement required to access block devices
  • Fixes multiple memory leaks in early-boot binaries
  • Changes some GUI internals that should reduce the chance of exploit failure and GUI hiccups


  • A11 devices on iOS 14.0 and above require removing the passcode and enabling “Skip A11 BPR check” in the options. This is not recommended, but it’s there.

Known issues

  • A10/A10X devices on 14.3 and above as well as T2 devices on bridgeOS 5.1 and above will crash and reboot before reaching PongoOS
  • On A10/A10X devices running iOS 14, boot may sometimes hang in pongoOS. In that case, reboot the device and retry.
  • A7 devices will currently not work with the Linux version
  • The exploit may not work as reliably on some devices, such as the Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3
  • Linux GUI build when using CLI mode doesn’t support auto assertion of DFU mode on advanced Apple TV 4K breakout boards
  • bridgeOS:
    • As soon as macOS boots it’ll take over the USB connection and disallow communication
  • Some users have reported checkra1n crashing when Chinese is set as the only system language. It is unknown whether any other language is affected.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS and Linux. Work is ongoing to support Windows, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers, including Zebra and Installer is coming soon and is expected within the coming weeks.

checkra1n 0.12.0 beta

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This release is a beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device

What’s new

Highlighted changes

  • Official support for iOS 14.1 and 14.2
  • Official support for A10/A10X devices on iOS 14.x
  • Limited support for A11 devices on iOS 14.x (Options > Skip A11 BPR check)
  • A “Quick Mode” option that makes the GUI/TUI run on a timer and require no button clicks

Bug fixes

  • Fixes a widespread issue that could cause crashes or hangs at various stages of booting across all devices and iOS versions
  • Fixes a kernel patch that made many kexts think the device was in restore mode
  • Fixes an issue where the tvOS loader would crash on tvOS 13.x
  • Fixes a GUI/TUI issue that would cause failure with A7 devices
  • Fixes a GUI/TUI issue where failure to jailbreak could cause memory corruption
  • Fixes an issue where the T2 overlay was not being sent in the Linux version
  • Ships a vastly updated PongoOS, including:
    • Working USB on all SoCs
    • A hardware AES driver for all SoCs, providing access to GID keys and more
    • Booting with -p works once again

Other changes

  • Users who used a modified checkra1n build will get a warning popup

Known issues

  • Bootstrapping may fail on fresh installations of tvOS
  • On A10/A10X devices running iOS 14, boot may sometimes hang in pongoOS. In that case, reboot the device and retry.
  • NVRAM is not unlocked on iOS 14.2
  • A7 devices are currently known to not work with the Linux version
  • The exploit may not work as reliably on some devices, such as the Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3
  • Linux GUI build when using CLI mode doesn’t support auto assertion of DFU mode on advanced Apple TV 4K breakout boards
  • bridgeOS:
    • As soon as macOS boots it’ll take over the USB connection and disallow communication
  • Some users have reported checkra1n crashing when Chinese is set as the only system language. It is unknown whether any other language is affected.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS and Linux. Work is ongoing to support Windows, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers, including Zebra and Installer is coming soon and is expected within the coming weeks.

checkra1n 0.11.0 beta

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This release is a beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device

What’s new

Highlighted changes

  • Official support for iOS 12.0 - 13.7
  • Official support for iOS/tvOS 14.0 (A8(X)-A9(X) running iOS and iPadOS; all tvOS devices are supported)
  • Official support for Apple TV 4K breakout boards (Standard and Advanced)

Bug fixes

  • Fix an issue with userland kernel patch finder that prevented checkra1n flags from being saved as well as exporting kernel information used by developers to tfp0, affecting devices running iOS 13.6 and up.
  • App can now be launched from DMG on macOS
  • Demotion is now working on Linux
  • Fixes the -20 error for Apple TV 4K by enabling USB on v1.x standard breakouts

Other changes

  • Partial bridgeOS support (CLI only, see ‘Known issues’)
  • PongoOS was switched to Darwin ABI
  • Improved kernel patch finder patchsets
  • Improved boot strategy/hooking
  • NVRAM unlock patch (for root)
  • dyld patch
    • Removes Mach-o platform restrictions (iOS binaries can now run on tvOS/bridgeOS and vice versa)
    • Significantly reduces checkra1n build size
  • Removed macOS bug reporter

Known issues

  • May fail on fresh installations of tvOS
  • The exploit may not work as reliably on some devices, such as the Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3.
  • Linux GUI build when using CLI mode doesn’t support auto assertion of DFU mode on advanced Apple TV 4K breakout boards.
  • bridgeOS:
    • May need to reconnect the device after exploitation for bootstrap upload
    • As soon as macOS boots it’ll take over the USB connection and disallow communication

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS and Linux. Work is ongoing to support Windows, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers, including Zebra and Installer is coming soon and is expected within the coming weeks.

checkra1n 0.10.2 beta

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This release is a beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device

What’s new

Bug fixes

  • iOS/iPadOS 13.5 support.
  • Fix multiple issues with kernel patches that caused devices to not boot, most notably iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 4.
  • Fix bootstrap upload not working if the device is locked.

Known issues

  • The Apple TV 4K will produce a -20 error, even on a successful jailbreak
  • The exploit may not work as reliably on some devices, such as the Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3.
  • When trying to jailbreak multiple devices, only the first attempt will succeed.
    Workaround: relaunch checkra1n after every jailbreak attempt.

Other known issues are available on our issue tracker.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS and Linux. Work is ongoing to support Windows, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers is coming soon, and will not require a checkra1n update.

checkra1n 0.10.1 beta

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This release is a beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device

What’s new

Bug fixes

  • Fixes support for A7 devices
  • Fixes an issue in 12.4 which caused the device to panic and reboot on attempted shutdown
  • Fixes an issue that caused the keychain to lose new passwords
  • Fixes an issue which caused the GUI/ncurses to crash when used more than once
  • Fixes an issue where a userspace reboot won’t restart dropbear

Other changes

  • Added 13.4 and 13.4.1 support
  • Introducing kernel patch finder v2 - rewritten from the ground up for sanic speed
  • You can now quit from the webra1n interface

Known issues

  • The Apple TV 4K will produce a -20 error, even on a successful jailbreak
  • The exploit may not work as reliably on some devices, such as the Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3.
  • When trying to jailbreak multiple devices, only the first attempt will succeed.
    Workaround: relaunch checkra1n after every jailbreak attempt.

Other known issues are available on our issue tracker.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS and Linux. Work is ongoing to support Windows, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers is coming soon, and will not require a checkra1n update.

checkra1n beta

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This release is a beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device

What’s new

Other changes

  • Bumping maximum device tree size to 256KiB for Project Sandcastle.
  • Fix architecture mismatch for devhelper builds.

Known issues

  • The Apple TV 4K will produce a -20 error, even on a successful jailbreak
  • The exploit may not work as reliably on some devices, such as the Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3.
  • When trying to jailbreak multiple devices, only the first attempt will succeed.
    Workaround: relaunch checkra1n after every jailbreak attempt.

Other known issues are available on our issue tracker.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS and Linux. Work is ongoing to support Windows, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers is coming soon, and will not require a checkra1n update.

checkra1n beta

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This release is a beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device

What’s new

Other changes

  • Support Project Sandcastle

Known issues

  • The Apple TV 4K will produce a -20 error, even on a successful jailbreak
  • The exploit may not work as reliably on some devices, such as the Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3.
  • When trying to jailbreak multiple devices, only the first attempt will succeed.
    Workaround: relaunch checkra1n after every jailbreak attempt.

Other known issues are available on our issue tracker.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS and Linux. Work is ongoing to support Windows, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers is coming soon, and will not require a checkra1n update.

checkra1n 0.9.8 beta

We couldn't determine your OS. See downloads »

This release is a beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device.

What’s new

Bug fixes

This release squashes so many bugs we couldn’t keep track of them. Sorry bugs…

Other changes

  • Support for Linux has arrived! See below for more information.
  • Introduces webra1n (see below!).
  • Low-level patching is now handled by our all-new pongoOS, engineered from the ground up for flexibility. More news on this front soon!
  • Adds a whole new CLI, built around ncurses, which now supports FastDFU.
  • Adds a new --version flag to the CLI for debugging purposes.
  • Adds a new option in the GUI and CLI which allows for custom boot-args to be set.
  • Adds an option to skip version checking for new iOS and iPadOS versions which haven’t yet been officially tested.
  • Added support for iOS and iPadOS 13.3.1.
  • The checkra1n app no longer requires internet to open.

Known issues

  • The Apple TV 4K will produce a -20 error, even on a successful jailbreak
  • The exploit may not work as reliably on some devices, such as the Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3.
  • When trying to jailbreak multiple devices, only the first attempt will succeed.
    Workaround: relaunch checkra1n after every jailbreak attempt.

Other known issues are available on our issue tracker.

Linux Support

This is the first checkra1n release which adds support for linux. More information on installing the Linux version can be found here.


Webra1n is an experimental web based UI for checkra1n, broadcasting ncurses - the terminal based ui - right to your browser and allowing headless devices (such as the Raspberry Pi) to present an interface over the network.

We advise to use it locally or behind a password protected wifi network/proxy.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS and Linux. Work is ongoing to support Windows, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers is coming soon, and will not require a checkra1n update.

checkra1n 0.9.7 beta

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Important information

This release is a beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device.


What’s new

Bug fixes

  • Fixes an issue which prevented the GUI from detecting changes in device modes
  • Fixes an issue that caused the GUI to hang when jailbreaking some iPad models

Other changes

  • Add inital Apple TV 4K support
  • Purge OTA updates on boot
  • Add support for iOS 13.3
  • Remove libimobiledevice as a dependency
  • Properly handle situations where there’s no internet connection available while bootstrapping tvOS
  • Add a Control Center shortcut for the tvOS loader app

If you are experiencing the -20, please rejailbreak with the no-substrate mode option checked in the app, and see if removing tweaks resolves your issue.

Known issues

  • The Apple TV 4K will produce a -20 error, even on a successful jailbreak

Unsupported devices

Support for the following devices is experimental, and may require more attempts than usual:

  • iPhone 5s
  • iPad Mini 2
  • iPad Mini 3
  • iPad Air

Reliability on these devices will be improved in future releases.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS. Work is ongoing to support Linux (eta son) and Windows, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers is coming soon, and will not require a checkra1n update.

checkra1n 0.9.6 beta

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Important information

This release is a beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device.


What’s new

Bug fixes

  • Fixes support for the iPad 6th Generation
  • Fixes an issue where A7 devices would report an error code on success
  • Fixes an issue where jailbreak app icons would show up on the boot after using loader’s “Restore System” functionality
  • Makes the loader app more resilient to errors occurring after a long uptime
  • Fixes an issue where Loader and Cydia would fail with a no internet connection message on Chinese iPhones
  • Fixes an issue where the the iPad Pro Smart Keyboard would disconnect
  • Fixes an issue where fast charging did not work

Other changes

  • Add support for jailbreaking Apple TVs from within the same app
  • Added support for the iPad 5th Generation, iPad Air 2nd Generation the iPad Pro 1st Generation
  • Added support for iOS 13.2.3
  • Re-engineered the command line interface from the ground up
  • Drastically improved loader’s speed
  • Restructured loaderd and friends into separate launch daemons to survive userland reboot and removed insult from daemon name
  • Export kernel base and other useful things for developers (see jbctl for details)

If you are experiencing the -20, please rejailbreak with the no-substrate mode option checked in the app, and see if removing tweaks resolves your issue.

Unsupported devices

Support for the following devices is experimental, and may require more attempts than usual:

  • iPhone 5s
  • iPad Mini 2
  • iPad Mini 3
  • iPad Air

Reliability on these devices will be improved in future releases.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS. Work is ongoing to support Linux (eta son) and Windows, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers is coming soon, and will not require a checkra1n update.

checkra1n 0.9.5 beta

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Important information

This release is an early beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device. We strongly recommend proceeding with caution.


What’s new

Bug fixes

  • Fixes an issue where the user may be signed out of their Apple ID
  • Fixes an issue that caused MobileSubstrate initialization to be delayed
  • Detect a case where the user may have an OTA update downloaded, which caused issues for some users

The following issues are caused by incorrect DFU mode entry, please make sure to follow the instructions in the UI:

  • An issue where the taptic engine did not work on some devices
  • An issue where biometrics did not work for some users
  • An issue where the touch screen became unresponsive for some users

Battery settings panel issue: We have investigated this issue extensively and found that some tweaks and libraries which some tweaks depend on cause this issue.

Other changes

This update includes a new fast DFU sequence. Entering DFU mode should now be safer and more reliable.

The loading mechanism for substrate has improved in this update, which improves the stability of the device.

If you are experiencing the -20, please rejailbreak with the the no-substrate mode option checked in the app, and see if removing tweaks resolves your issue.

Unsupported devices

checkra1n will eventually support all devices between the iPhone 5s and the iPhone X, however, this beta lacks support for the following devices:

  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad 5th Gen
  • iPad Pro 1st Gen

Support for these devices will be added in a later release.

Support for the following devices is experimental, and may require more attempts than usual:

  • iPhone 5s
  • iPad Mini 2
  • iPad Mini 3
  • iPad Air

Reliability on these devices will be improved in future releases.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS. Work is ongoing to support Windows and Linux, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers is coming soon, and will not require a checkra1n update.

checkra1n beta

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Important information

This release is an early beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device. We strongly recommend proceeding with caution.


What’s new

This build is a revision of 0.9.3, which fixes the following issues for real:

  • Fixes an issue where biometrics did not work for some users
  • Fixes an issue where the touch screen became unresponsive for some users
  • Fixes an issue where the loader app may not have appeared on the homescreen
  • Fixes an issue where the iPad Smart Keyboard did not work
  • Fixes an issue where the fast charging functionality did not work on some devices
  • Fixes an issue where the taptic engine did not work on some devices
  • Detect a case where the user may have an OTA update downloaded, which caused issues for some users

The loading mechanism for substrate has been rewritten from the ground up in this beta to improve the stability of the device.

This beta also adds an option to boot into no-substrate mode. To utilize this functionality, check the no-substrate mode option in the app.

Unsupported devices

checkra1n will eventually support all devices between the iPhone 5s and the iPhone X, however, this beta lacks support for the following devices:

  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad 5th Gen
  • iPad Pro 1st Gen

Support for these devices will be added in a later release.

Support for the following devices is experimental, and may require more attempts than usual:

  • iPhone 5s
  • iPad Mini 2
  • iPad Mini 3
  • iPad Air

Reliability on these devices will be improved in future releases.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS. Work is ongoing to support Windows and Linux, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers is coming soon, and will not require a checkra1n update.

checkra1n 0.9.3 beta

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Important information

This release is an early beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device. We strongly recommend proceeding with caution.


What’s new

  • Fixes an issue where biometrics did not work for some users
  • Fixes an issue where the touch screen became unresponsive for some users
  • Fixes an issue where the loader app may not have appeared on the homescreen
  • Fixes an issue where the iPad Smart Keyboard did not work
  • Fixes an issue where the fast charging functionality did not work on some devices
  • Fixes an issue where the taptic engine did not work on some devices
  • Fixes an issue where battery settings did not load for some users
  • Detect a case where the user may have an OTA update downloaded, which caused issues for some users

The loading mechanism for substrate has been rewritten from the ground up in this beta to improve the stability of the device.

This beta also adds an option to boot into no-substrate mode. To utilize this functionality, check the no-substrate mode option in the app.

Unsupported devices

checkra1n will eventually support all devices between the iPhone 5s and the iPhone X, however, this beta lacks support for the following devices:

  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad 5th Gen
  • iPad Pro 1st Gen

Support for these devices will be added in a later release.

Support for the following devices is experimental, and may require more attempts than usual:

  • iPhone 5s
  • iPad Mini 2
  • iPad Mini 3
  • iPad Air

Reliability on these devices will be improved in future releases.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS. Work is ongoing to support Windows and Linux, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers is coming soon, and will not require a checkra1n update.

checkra1n 0.9.2 beta

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Important information

This release is an early beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device. We strongly recommend proceeding with caution.


What’s new

  • Fixed an issue where the Apple Watch would not receive notifications while jailbroken
  • Improve reliability of entering DFU mode
  • Fixed an issue where checkra1n could not be used on macOS 10.10

This beta adds an option to boot into no-substrate mode. To utilize this functionality, hold the volume-up button when the apple logo appears until the device finishes booting. From there you’ll be able to uninstall any tweaks causing you issues and reboot to get back to a normal jailbroken state.

Unsupported devices

checkra1n will eventually support all devices between the iPhone 5s and the iPhone X, however, this beta lacks support for the following devices:

  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad 5th Gen
  • iPad Pro 1st Gen

Support for these devices will be added in a later release.

Support for the following devices is experimental, and may require more attempts than usual:

  • iPhone 5s
  • iPad Mini 2
  • iPad Mini 3
  • iPad Air

Reliability on these devices will be improved in future releases.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS. Work is ongoing to support Windows and Linux, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers is coming soon, and will not require a checkra1n update.

checkra1n 0.9.1 beta

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Important information

This release is an early beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device. We strongly recommend proceeding with caution.


What’s new

This beta fixes multiple bugs, including:

  • An issue where the loader app would crash when installing Cydia on iPads
  • A crash when the macOS language was set to anything other than English
  • An issue where iPad Minis would not work with the GUI
  • An issue with the scp binary not working as expected

This version also improves clarity of some errors, specifically the -20 error, which now offers guidance on how to resolve it.

Unsupported devices

checkra1n will eventually support all devices between the iPhone 5s and the iPhone X, however, this beta lacks support for the following devices:

  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad 5th Gen
  • iPad Pro 1st Gen

Support for these devices will be added in a later release.

Support for the following devices is experimental, and may require more attempts than usual:

  • iPhone 5s
  • iPad Mini 2
  • iPad Mini 3
  • iPad Air

Reliability on these devices will be improved in future releases.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS. Work is ongoing to support Windows and Linux, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers is coming soon, and will not require a checkra1n update.

checkra1n 0.9 beta

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Important information

This release is an early beta preview and as such should not be installed on a primary device. We strongly recommend proceeding with caution.


Unsupported devices

checkra1n will eventually support all devices between the iPhone 5s and the iPhone X, however, this beta lacks support for the following devices:

  • iPad Air 2
  • iPad 5th Gen
  • iPad Pro 1st Gen

Support for these devices will be added in a later release.

Support for the following devices is experimental, and may require more attempts than usual:

  • iPhone 5s
  • iPad Mini 2
  • iPad Mini 3
  • iPad Air

To test on these devices, run the checkra1n app with ./checkra1n.app/Contents/MacOS/checkra1n_gui - to run the CLI.

Reliability on these devices will be improved in future releases.

Unsupported platforms

This beta is only available for macOS. Work is ongoing to support Windows and Linux, which will be added in a later release.

Package managers

At the moment, checkra1n only supports installing Cydia. Support for other package managers is coming soon, and will not require a checkra1n update.

  • 1 year later...
  • admin changed the title to checkra1n 0.9.8 beta For Mac - All Releases

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